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Thank you for your interest in submitting work to The Wordspaces. We look forward to the opportunity to engage carefully with your work. We hope to accomplish one thing: to fill the pages of The Wordspaces with writing that strives toward the better worlds we seek to build and inhabit. This includes, yes, those of you who have yet to be published or are just beginning to cast work out into the world. We are excited to keep the door to your masterpieces wide open. Let’s celebrate the enduring yet protean quality of writing that propels us into places we have yet to imagine!

By submitting, you verify that you are the author of the submitted work, and you grant rights to The Wordspaces for publication. All images included in the submission article are the responsibility of the author. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that any images used their submissions do not break copyright law. Please credit The Wordspaces as place of first publication. The Wordspaces reserves the right to make minor copy editing changes to the manuscript. Any major editorial changes will require author’s approval prior to publication.

Please submit your writing following these guidelines:



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